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李良1, 罗寒跃1, 姜斌2
关键词:  风景园林  大学校园  安全感  功能  空间  景观
Research of Landscape Planning and Design Strategies for Promoting Sense of Safety in the University Campus
LI Liang1, LUO Hanyue1, JIANG Bin2
1.Southwest University.;2.University of Hong Kong
With the frequent occurrence of campus crimes, it has become an important and urgent research topic on how to improve the sense of safety in the university campus through the planning and design of the functions, spaces and landscapesof university campus. Previous theoretical and empirical studies have proved that such planning and design can affect users’ perception of college campus and subsequently achieve the objective of enhancing campus safety and inhibiting crimes and bad behavior. Based on relevant theories of sense of safety and the research on the factors influencing the sense of safety in China and other countries, this paper puts forward the planning and design strategies for enhancing the sense of safety from the campus location planning, space planning and design, plant landscape design, planning and design for women's low sense of safety, and safety management measures.
Key words:  landscape architecture  university campus  sense of safety  function  space  landscape
LI Liang,LUO Hanyue,JIANG Bin.Research of Landscape Planning and Design Strategies for Promoting Sense of Safety in the University Campus[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):42-46.