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黄邓楷, 赖文波, 薛蕊
关键词:  风景园林  大学校园  环境安全  CPTED  安全评价  边际空间
Environmental Safety Evaluation of University Campus Based on CPTED Theory—South China University of Technology (Wushan) as an Example
HUANG Dengkai, LAI Wenbo, XUE Rui
South China University of Technology
As the contemporary university campuses are influenced by their openness and cohesion, how to build a safe campus has become a difficult problem in campus environmental design. This article adopts the questionnaire survey method, as well as in-depth interviews, to analyze students' safety assessment of the overall campus environment and draw safety perception maps. By analyzing the correlations of the six elements of CPTED with the statistical analysis methods and sorting out their importance, the article finds that the sites with low safety tend to be located in the campus marginal space and the places with poor visibility at night. As a result of the field research of the campus overall environment, based on the six elements of CPTED, the article extracts 13 elements of campus environmental safety assessment, and raises suggestions for optimization of campus environmental safety design to provide reference for related campus planning and environmental design
Key words:  landscape architecture  university campuses  environmental safety  CPTED  safety assessment  marginal space
HUANG Dengkai,LAI Wenbo,XUE Rui.Environmental Safety Evaluation of University Campus Based on CPTED Theory—South China University of Technology (Wushan) as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):36-41.