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王志芳, 梁春雪
关键词:  风景园林  景观生态学  生境规划  目标物种  空间格局  生态网络
Comparison of Habitat Planning in Miyun District of Beijing Based on Different Perspectives and Approaches
WANG Zhifang, LIANG Chunxue
Peking University
Habitat fragmentation caused by rapid urbanization has seriously affected the service function of the ecosystem. Therefore, protecting and reshaping urban habitats is particularly important. Because the definition of habitat has different connotations and perspectives, scientific planning and design of urban habitats are yet to be further explored. Based on the theory of conservation biology and landscape ecology, this paper compares two planning ideas: species-based perspective and approach (conservation of target species), landscape-based perspective and approach (conservation of landscape pattern). The case study focuses on the habitat planning of Miyun District of Beijing and analyzes the planning results. On species-based perspective, Ocelot is selected as the target species considering its multifaceted ecological effects. HSI (Habitat, suitability, index) model is used to assess habitat areas with the weights of each evaluation factor determined by expert assignment method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Finally, selecting high suitability location and establishing ecological network through ArcGIS calculation. On landscape-based perspective, utilizing primarily ArcGIS, Guidos, Conefor, this approach selects the important source of core area by MSPA method and then establishes ecological network by landscape connectivity analysis method. The results demonstrate the geographic distribution difference between the two approaches is significant. We find out the source of the core protected areas according to the importance of habitat ecological function. This paper calls for strategic selection of habitat planning approaches instead of blindly using just one approach. An integrated landscape and species perspectives can be used to achieve optimal habitat planning and ecosystem services
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape ecology  habitat planning  target species  spatial pattern  ecological network
WANG Zhifang,LIANG Chunxue.Comparison of Habitat Planning in Miyun District of Beijing Based on Different Perspectives and Approaches[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):90-94.