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蒙小英1, 刘砾莎2, 邹裕波2
关键词:  风景园林  校园雨水花园  生态认知  无意识教育  感染力  生态显露设计
Design of Campus Raingarden Based on Ecological Cognition
MENG Xiaoying1, LIU Lisha2, ZOU Yubo2
1.Beijing Jiaotong University;2.UP+S Design
Campus raingarden design from the perspective of ecological cognition aims to explore the educational function of campus landscape in the ecological context. The unconscious education mode for environmental education is applied to subtly influence the recipients with the appeal of the environment. Such an open, independent and interactive approach to education could leave a profound impact on the recipients. Guided by the unconscious environmental education thought, the campus raingarden design, based on ecological cognition, adopts the ecological exposure design and visual rain water path to depict the ecological characteristics of rain water, so as to meet the functional, technical and artistic requirements of the garden, and achieve the spatial design and artistic quality of visual rain water path, create the tension field effect and appeal of the rainwater garden, such as space order, material contrast, color application, and pleasant experience of space, and promote unconscious education of the ecology
Key words:  landscape architecture  campus raingarden  ecological cognition  unconscious learning  appeal  eco-revelatory design
MENG Xiaoying,LIU Lisha,ZOU Yubo.Design of Campus Raingarden Based on Ecological Cognition[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):95-100.