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关键词:  风景园林  滨湖地区  湖泊旅游  规划策略  环骆马湖
Tourism Development and Planning Strategy in Lakeside Areas: Take the Luoma Lake, Suqian City as an Example
LIANG Zhongsheng
housing and Construction Bureau of Suqian
This paper analyzes theories of tourism planning in lakeside areas, as well as domestic and foreign researches and development practice in this respect. It carries out an empirical study on the areas around Luoma Lake in Suqian to explore the planning approaches and strategies of leisure and holiday tourism in lakeside areas. First, it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of tourism development in the areas around Luoma Lake, analyzes the difficulties encountered in the protection and development of the Luoma Lake, and puts forward targeted planning strategies: propose the orientation of tourism development and shape brand tourism products in this area, on the premise of protecting local water resources while fully relying on existing resource conditions and market needs. Make reasonable layout of space, sort out the spatial relationship of the city and lake according to local conditions, improve the modes of transportation featuring “external connection, inner ring, slow experience”, to ensure tourism development around Luoma Lake in Suqian.
Key words:  landscape architecture  lake district  lake tourism  planning strategies  Luoma Lake
LIANG Zhongsheng.Tourism Development and Planning Strategy in Lakeside Areas: Take the Luoma Lake, Suqian City as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):112-116.