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李自若, 李晓雪, 程晓山, 潘建非
关键词:  风景园林  口述史方法  风景园林教育  历史观建构  华南农业大学
Research on the Application of Oral History Method in Landscape Architecture Teaching
LI Ziruo, LI Xiaoxue, CHENG Xiaoshan, PAN Jianfei
South China Agricultural University
In the teaching of landscape architecture, the inheritance and study of landscape architecture history and culture is a long process. In addition to the teaching and explanation of historical knowledge and cultural connotation, stimulating the initiative of the students is important for the development of higher education. The method of "oral history" is different from the traditional historical research methods, as it provides a new possibility for learners to understand, recognize and participate in the history of Landscape Architecture and the cultural heritage conservation. Therefore, this paper takes two practices, "Oral History of Traditional Handcrafts" and "The Development History of Guangzhou Modern Parks", in the teaching of Landscape Architecture in South China Agricultural University as examples to explore the course design method and the application of oral history method in the teaching process. Student-leading and practice-basing are the key parts of the application of oral history method, which could promote the students’ multi-perspective of history cognition and independent thinking ability
Key words:  Oral History  landscape architecture education  construction of historial view  SCAU
LI Ziruo,LI Xiaoxue,CHENG Xiaoshan,PAN Jianfei.Research on the Application of Oral History Method in Landscape Architecture Teaching[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):117-121.