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余洋, 唐晓婷, 刘俊环, 陆诗亮
关键词:  风景园林  城市街道  健康服务功能  线性体育活动  时空行为
Urban Street Health Service Function Based on Mobile Fitness Data
YU Yang, TANG Xiaoting, LIU Junhuan, LU Shiliang
Harbin Institute of Technology
Urban streets are the basic units of urban space, which carry a diversity of city life. The study is based on fitness data shared by mobile phone applications, taking street linear sports activities as the research object, as well as recognizing street space attributes and features from the perspective of health. Under the VGI-GIS method and on the basis of information vectorization and visualization, the health service functions of urban streets are described in two dimensions: time and space. Based on the distribution pattern of popular sports space, the research is conducted on the three levels of spatial, which include agglomeration, built environment and crowd income. The results show that the spatial continuity of the street has a positive effect on fitness activities. Large parks and universities have great attraction for fitness activities. Bus stops have many influences on fitness activities. The diversified popular space models provide the possibility of improving the health of the street in accordance with local conditions. In health-oriented urban design, measures should be taken to temporarily block streets, adding outdoor sports facilities around commercial and office areas to enhance health services of the streets.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban street  healthy service function  outdoor physical activity  spatio-temporal behavior
YU Yang,TANG Xiaoting,LIU Junhuan,LU Shiliang.Urban Street Health Service Function Based on Mobile Fitness Data[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):18-23.