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叶宇1, 张灵珠2, 颜文涛1, 曾伟3
关键词:  风景园林  街道绿化  百度街景  机器学习  人本视角  空间网络分析
Measuring Street Greening Quality from Humanistic Perspective: A Large-scale Analysis Based on Baidu Street View Images and Machine Learning Algorithms
YE Yu1, ZHANG Lingzhu2, YAN Wentao1, ZENG Wei3
1.Tongji University;2.University of Hong Kong;3.Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
This paper proposed an approach for quantifying daily exposure of urban residents to eye-level greenery. 280,000 street view images in Shanghai central area are collected for greenery analyses via machine learning. The integration of the street greenery with street accessibility helps to provide detailed guidance for better spatial quality on streets and efficient urban greenery planning. The comparison between this new index and the traditional urban green cover shows that the latter one might not accurately reflect accessed greenery for citizens. This study helps to achieve the co-present of large-scale but also high-resolution analysis. Moreover, it makes a step forward for a more human-centered planning policy.
Key words:  landscape architecture  street greenery  BAIDU street view  machine learning  human-centered perspective  spatial network analysis
YE Yu,ZHANG Lingzhu,YAN Wentao,ZENG Wei.Measuring Street Greening Quality from Humanistic Perspective: A Large-scale Analysis Based on Baidu Street View Images and Machine Learning Algorithms[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):24-29.