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梁军辉1, 杜洋1, 赛金波1, 黄昱然2
关键词:  风景园林  绿道  通勤绿道  选线  大数据  北京市
Big Data-based Commuter Greenway Selection in Large Residential Areas of Beijing
LIANG Junhui1, DU Yang1, SAI Jinbo1, HUANG Yuran2
1.Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute;2.Peking University
In recent years, the problems of urban traffic congestion and environmental pollution have become increasingly more obvious, which makes bike riding more popular in big cities. The need to build a continuous, non-motorized greenway for commuters is increasing in many cities. The construction of greenway should not only ensure the space availability and quality of traffic environment, but also meet the needs of residents for maximized comprehensive benefits. Based on this, with Huilongguan communities in Beijing as the research object, we evaluate and analyze the node elements of demands and attractions, in view of the metropolitan suburban short and medium-distance commuting requirements, to explore greenway selection method, based on real commuting big data of the residents. Finally, the best route is selected with the aid of GIS, and the attracting nodes are modified according to the distribution of resources such as city parks, green land, rivers, in order to build a well-connected and safe commuting greenway equipped with good infrastructures. The greenway may save commuting fare and time, improve the region accessibility and non-motorized traffic of big cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  greenway  commuting greenway  route selection  big data  Beijing
LIANG Junhui,DU Yang,SAI Jinbo,HUANG Yuran.Big Data-based Commuter Greenway Selection in Large Residential Areas of Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):30-35.