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赵威, 李翅, 王静文
关键词:  风景园林  生态适应性  生态环境  传统山地村落  京西  黄岭西村
基金项目:北京市自然科学基金项目(编号 8172019);北京林业大学优质研究生核心课程建设(编号 XKC15048);教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(编号 17YJA760050)
Research on Ecological Adaptability of Traditional Mountain Villages: A Case Study of Huanglingxi Village, Western Beijing
ZHAO Wei, LI Chi, WANG Jingwen
Beijing Forestry University
Ecological adaptability study is an important angle to analyze the ecological concept of traditional villages. The paper first introduces the concept and research progress of ecological adaptability, proposing that the study of ecological adaptability of traditional villages contains two parts: natural ecological adaptability and humanistic ecological adaptability. Then the research system of ecological adaptability of traditional mountain villages was constructed. Finally, it takes Huanglingxi Village, Zhaitang Town, Mentougou District, Beijing, as an example, to analyze its natural and humanistic ecological adaptability on the basis of five research perspectives and sums up the concept of ecological adaptation in traditional mountainous villages. Under the method of software simulation analysis, it looks forward to providing experience and reference for the future planning and development of mountain villages and towns in our country
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecological adaptability  ecological conditions  traditional mountain villages  western Beijing  Huanglingxi village
ZHAO Wei,LI Chi,WANG Jingwen.Research on Ecological Adaptability of Traditional Mountain Villages: A Case Study of Huanglingxi Village, Western Beijing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):91-96.