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张德顺1, (美)丽莎·萨贝拉1, 王振1, 曹玮2
关键词:  风景园林  小气候  人体舒适度  园林规划设计  使用后评价
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目“城市宜居环境风景园林小气候适应性设计理论和方法研究”(编号 51338007);上海高校外国留学生英语授课示范性课程“植物景观规划原理与方法(Planning Principles and Methods of Landscape Plants)”(沪教委外[2014]73号)
Comparison Analysis of Human Comfort about Landscape Micro-climates in Three Parks, Shanghai
ZHANG Deshun1, (USA) Lisa Sabella1, WANG Zhen1, CAO Wei2
1.Tongji University;2.Yangzhou University
The microclimate affects the rate and frequency in the use of public space. Human comfort is an important goal of landscape planning and design. However, modern landscape practice is lack of climate-sensitive design and consideration of human comfort. Citing three parks in Shanghai as examples, this paper tests human comfort with the “post-use evaluation” and descriptive analysis methods. It classifies the park space by the ratio of hard landscape to soft landscape, greening coverage difference, near-water area ratio, and sunshine space ratio. On the basis of surveying park users, it measures the microclimate characteristics of each park to quantify human comfort, concluding that through microclimate design, we can create more comfortable space for humans
Key words:  landscape architecture  microclimate  human comfort  landscape design  post-occupancy evaluation
ZHANG Deshun,(USA) Lisa Sabella,WANG Zhen,CAO Wei.Comparison Analysis of Human Comfort about Landscape Micro-climates in Three Parks, Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):97-100.