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金虹, 吕环宇, 林玉洁
关键词:  风景园林  城市居住区  植被结构  实测研究  严寒地区  微气候
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目“严寒地区城市微气候调节原理与设计方法研究”(编号 51438005)
Influence of Vegetation Structures on Winter and Summer Microclimates of Urban Residential Areas in Severe Cold Regions
JIN Hong, LV Huanyu, LIN Yujie
Harbin Institute of Technology
Urban green space plays an important role in improving the urban microclimate and alleviating the urban heat island effect. Different plant configurations, greenbelt forms and vegetation structures will yield different results. This paper takes Harbin, a typical city in the severe cold areas, as an example, adopts the field measurement method to observe the microclimates of the green space in residential areas with different vegetation structures in winter and summer. It carries out in-depth study on the regulation performance of different vegetation structures over the microclimate, and makes comparative analysis of the air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed under the influence of different vegetation structures. The result shows that as the vegetation structure becomes more complex, the shelter effect of vegetation on winter cold wind and the cooling and humidifying effects in summer are enhanced. The study provides a reference for the landscape design of urban residential areas in severe cold regions
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban residential area  vegetation structure  field measurement  severe cold region  microclimate
JIN Hong,LV Huanyu,LIN Yujie.Influence of Vegetation Structures on Winter and Summer Microclimates of Urban Residential Areas in Severe Cold Regions[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):12-15.