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陈睿智, 杨青娟
关键词:  风景园林  微气候  老人户外休憩  湿冷城市
基金项目:上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放资金资助项目(编号 SHUES2016A02)
Microclimate Adaptability for Outdoor Recreation in Humid and Cold Cities in Winter—A Case Study of the Elderly in Chengdu City
HOU Xiaolei, YANG Qingjuan
Southwest Jiaotong University
To explore how the urban elderly adapt to the microclimate in outdoor recreation activities in winter, we launched field observations and measurement of microclimate parameters in Chengdu, a typical cold and wet city in winter of 2016 and 2017. We applied the TS-Givoni index and microclimate parameters to discuss how the old people choose the time and sites of outdoor recreation to adapt to the microclimate. The results show that the old people abandoned outdoor recreation as TS value<2.0℃; they chose recreation sites and time freely as the TS value≥2.1℃; and they chose the sites and time to adapt to the wind speed and solar radiation as 2.0≤TS<2.1℃. The results could be applied as a theoretical basis and technical reference in the design of outdoor recreation sites for the elderly in cold and wet cities in winter.
Key words:  landscape architecture  microclimate  outdoor recreation of the elderly  cold and wet city
HOU Xiaolei,YANG Qingjuan.Microclimate Adaptability for Outdoor Recreation in Humid and Cold Cities in Winter—A Case Study of the Elderly in Chengdu City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):16-20.