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董靓, 张米娜
关键词:  微气候  知识图谱  信息可视化  文献计量  CiteSpace
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“ 湿热气候区旅游景区的微气候舒适度预测模型研究 ”(编号51678253);华侨大学科研基金项目“南方园林的气候适应性研究” (编号15BS302);华侨大学科研启动项目(编号16BS204)
Comparative Study on Riverside Landscape of Qinhuai River System in Six Dynasties and Ming Dynasty
DONG Liang, ZHANG Mina
Huaqiao University
The river system, by artificial intervention and management, has a close connection with the city. It has boosted the growth of the riverside urban functional zoning, and created a unique landscape centered with river. This paper focuses on the city section of Qinhuai River system during the Six Dynasties (A.D. 222—589) and Ming Dynasty (A.D.1368—1644). With graphic analysis, it sorts out the elements composition and distribution characteristic of the riverside landscape, including the functional structures, garden landscapes and landscape culture. Applying comparative analysis, it explores the formation of the riverside landscape. This paper studies the interaction between the urban river and the zoning along the river, so as to offer references for keeping harmony between man and nature, and the sustainable development of river landscape resources.
Key words:  microclimate  knowledge mapping  information visualization  bibliometrics  CiteSpace
DONG Liang,ZHANG Mina.Comparative Study on Riverside Landscape of Qinhuai River System in Six Dynasties and Ming Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):32-37.