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齐羚, 马梓烜, 张雨洋, 刘加根
关键词:  风景园林  水峪村  山水格局  微气候  数值模拟
Study on Moutain-water Pattern of Shuiyu Village, Nanjiao Township, Western Beijing Based on Microclimate Adaptability Design
QI Ling, MA Zixuan, ZHANG Yuyang, LIU Jiagen
Beijing University of Technology
This paper takes the mountain-water pattern of Shuiyu Village, based in a valley, as the research object, carries out basic investigation and numerical simulation analysis of its microclimate environment, to study the coupling relationship and interaction mechanism between the microclimate elements of wind, humidity and temperature and the mountain-water pattern of the village. We installed a mobile weather station at this village for 24-hour data acquisition, and measurement of the microclimate elements of wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, air temperature, solar radiation in three seasons, and with the numerical simulation, we made the comfort analysis. The paper sums up the mountain-water pattern characteristics, such as the spatial layout, shape, slope, exposure and elevation, and further taps the quantitative relations and laws with the microclimatic factors.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Shuiyu Village  mountain-water pattern  microclimate  numerical simulation
QI Ling,MA Zixuan,ZHANG Yuyang,LIU Jiagen.Study on Moutain-water Pattern of Shuiyu Village, Nanjiao Township, Western Beijing Based on Microclimate Adaptability Design[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):38-44.