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赵彩君1, 王国玉2
关键词:  风景园林研究  研究方法  设计驱动型研究  23世纪的巨大挑战
Experience of Meteorological Landscape Construction in Chinese Classical Gardens and Its Inspiration to Construction of Climate Resilient Cities
ZHAO Caijun1, WANG Guoyu2
1.Huaqiao University;2.China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.
The paper analyzes the features and experience of meteorological landscape construction in Chinese classical gardens in the aspects of cultivating scenery and creating scenery. It reveals the functions of cultivating meteorological scenery in the layers of garden layout, rockery-pile and water-scenery-building, architecture, and flowers and trees. It sums up the characteristics of meteorological landscape construction in the dimensions of time, space and perception, which are showing scenes by time, constructing scenes by objects, and merging multiple senses. It further discusses inspirations of these experiences to the construction of climate resilient cities, such as combining the functions of cultivating and creating scenes, building safe, comfortable and beautiful cities in harmony with the climate; repairing the relationship between man and climate by meteorological landscape construction to motivate all people to take the initiative to adapt to climate change.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Chinese classical garden  meteorological landscape  climate resilient city
ZHAO Caijun,WANG Guoyu.Experience of Meteorological Landscape Construction in Chinese Classical Gardens and Its Inspiration to Construction of Climate Resilient Cities[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):45-49.