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剧楚凝, 周佳怡, 姚朋
关键词:  绿色基础设施  东伦敦  南泰恩赛德  生态网络  策略
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 YX2015-19);北京市科技计划项目(编号D171100000217001)
UK Green Infrastructure Planning and Its Inspirations to Construction of Urban and Rural Ecological Network in China
JU Chuning, ZHOU Jiayi, YAO Peng
Beijing Forestry University
Guided by the concept of green infrastructure, western European countries, represented by Britain, have carried out a series of planning practices and obtained various benefits. Based on the background of ecological network construction in China’s urban and rural areas, this paper studies two planning cases of the green infrastructure network in East London and the green infrastructure network in South Tyneside, their planning backgrounds, target visions, development frameworks, implementation plans, audit evaluations and planning strategies. This paper also summarizes the ideas and methods of green infrastructure planning in the UK, and puts forward the enlightenment of institutionalization and systematization at the policy and bill level, scientization and collaboration at the implementation plan level, and diversification and concretization at the planning strategy level, in a bid to provide useful reference for the construction of ecological network in urban and rural areas in China.
Key words:  green infrastructure  East London  South Tyneside  ecological network  strategy
JU Chuning,ZHOU Jiayi,YAO Peng.UK Green Infrastructure Planning and Its Inspirations to Construction of Urban and Rural Ecological Network in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):77-82.