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朱祥明, 张荣平
关键词:  风景园林  郊野公园  生态  游憩
Exploration and Practice of Pujiang Country Park in Shanghai
ZHU Xiangming, ZHANG Rongping
Shanghai Landscape Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
In 2012, the authors chose 21 country parks in the suburb of Shanghai, and kicked off pilot practice in five parks in 2013. This paper conducts a case study of Minhang Pujiang Country Park, focusing on the park’s exploration and practice in policy implementation, design, construction and later period management. The park, a suburb open country space, is diversified in the land property. Through the design of woodland management and protection facilities and the agricultural land facilities, the park has solved the supply of necessary daily supporting facilities. The park was previously an ecological base of nursery woods. Now, as a country park, it has converted a large area of “seedlings” into woods to maximize the ecological benefits and recreational functions. The paper is set to explore the channels and modes for the park to constantly improve and upgrade itself in the later period, and complete the preliminary study of the practice of the park, to contribute to the construction of country parks in Shanghai in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  country park  ecology  recreation
ZHU Xiangming,ZHANG Rongping.Exploration and Practice of Pujiang Country Park in Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):83-85.