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李帅, 刘旭, 郭巍
关键词:  风景园林  传统人居环境  建置布局  空间形态  海防卫所
Studies on Layout and Morphological Characteristics of Defense Forts in Zhejiang Coastal Areas in Ming Dynasty
LI Shuai, LIU Xu, GUO Wei
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Based on modern high-definition aerial photographs, historical maps and records of Zhejiang coast defense construction and related local chronicles, this paper takes the coastal defense forts in Zhejiang coastal areas of the Ming Dynasty as the research object. It tries to introduce a comprehensive view of the unique geographical environment of Zhejiang coastal areas and the landscape related to the layout of coastal defense forts. Thus it draws up the features of the surface morphology, analyzing the factors affecting the location and inducing the basic elements of the city. It hopes to explore the general pattern and, with it, make type analysis to figure out possible variants. The study shows the coastal defense forts born in the rapid urban construction in early Ming Dynasty have distinct similarities, and highlight the wisdom of the ancients in city construction. The construction of these defense fort cities has laid the foundation for the development of coastal areas in later times.
Key words:  landscape architecture  traditional living environment  layout  spatial form  coastal defense forts
LI Shuai,LIU Xu,GUO Wei.Studies on Layout and Morphological Characteristics of Defense Forts in Zhejiang Coastal Areas in Ming Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(11):73-77.