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罗皓, 蔡俐, 李奕成, 刘磊
鉴于历史地图自身信息的模糊性,采用历史地图解译法对桂湖水系相关的历史地图进行解译绘制,通过解译图纸能较为清楚展示桂湖水系的演变过程,进而相对客观地总结其水系的演变特点。从城市水系与园林水源、水系周边建筑营建、水系空间形态划分3个方面,按照隋唐、宋代、明清、近代、现代的时间段对桂湖水系的演变过程进行梳理,并从新都城市水系与桂湖园林水系的关系、水系周边建筑功能及附属空间属性的变化、水系形态的艺术划分3方面归纳总结水系演变特点: 1)新都城市水系与桂湖园林水系在形态结构联系上呈现出完整、完善、破坏、重建4个阶段,桂湖园林水系与新都城市水系在水系体系构成上经历融合、维持、撤离、融入4个阶段的变化。2)水系周边建筑功能经纪念性萌芽、公共性增强、纪念性强化、纪念性精炼的变化,其建筑附属空间布局经历游赏性空间错列分布、公共性空间沿岸排布、纪念性空间中心贯穿、纪念性空间核心主导的4个阶段,使得桂湖从以游玩聚会为主的驿站园林变为以纪念为主的公共园林。3)桂湖水系的形态结构划分呈一池三岛“粗”分、五岛两堤“概”分、五岛两堤“密”分与五岛两堤“旷”分的演变特点。
关键词:  鉴于历史地图自身信息的模糊性,采用历史地图解译法对桂湖水系相关的历史地图进行解译绘制,通过解译图纸能较为清楚展示桂湖水系的演变过程,进而相对客观地总结其水系的演变特点。从城市水系与园林水源、水系周边建筑营建、水系空间形态划分3个方面,按照隋唐、宋代、明清、近代、现代的时间段对桂湖水系的演变过程进行梳理,并从新都城市水系与桂湖园林水系的关系、水系周边建筑功能及附属空间属性的变化、水系形态的艺术划分3方面归纳总结水系演变特点: 1)新都城市水系与桂湖园林水系在形态结构联系上呈现出完整、完善、破坏、重建4个阶段,桂湖园林水系与新都城市水系在水系体系构成上经历融合、维持、撤离、融入4个阶段的变化。2)水系周边建筑功能经纪念性萌芽、公共性增强、纪念性强化、纪念性精炼的变化,其建筑附属空间布局经历游赏性空间错列分布、公共性空间沿岸排布、纪念性空间中心贯穿、纪念性空间核心主导的4个阶段,使得桂湖从以游玩聚会为主的驿站园林变为以纪念为主的公共园林。3)桂湖水系的形态结构划分呈一池三岛“粗”分、五岛两堤“概”分、五岛两堤“密”分与五岛两堤“旷”分的演变特点。
基金项目:重庆市社会科学规划博士项目(编号 2017BS27);中央高校基本科研业务费(编号 SWU118001);教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金(编号 18YJC760044)
Evolution and Characteristics of Xindu Guihu Water System
LUO Hao, CAI Li, LI Yicheng, LIU Lei
Southwestern University
In view of the ambiguity of historical map information, the Spatial Interpretation of Historical Maps is applied for historical maps related to the Guihu water system. The evolution process of Guihu water system is thus clearly demonstrated through the interpretation of the drawings, and the evolution characteristics of Guihu water system is summarized in an objective way. In the three perspectives of urban water system and garden water source, the construction of surrounding water system, and the division of water space form, the evolution process of Guihu water system is sorted out in accordance with Sui and Tang Dynasties, Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, modern times and contemporary era. The characteristics of river evolution are summed up in three aspects: the relationship between Xindu urban water system and Guihu garden water system, changes of building functions and the subsidiary space property around the water system and the artistic division of water form: 1) The Xindu urban water system and the Guihu garden water system have four stages of integrity, perfection, destruction and reconstruction in the form and structure of the water system. They constitute the changes of four stages: integration, maintenance, evacuation and integration. 2) The building function around river system after germination, public memorial, memorial enhancement, strengthen the variability of refining, and the building space layout by the scenic space staggered distribution, public space arrangement, along the coast of the memorial space center, memorial space through the core of the four stages make Guihu Garden into a memorial theme for public gardens. 3) Morphological structure division of river system of the Guihu Garden is characterized by the rough division of a pool with three islands, the general division of five islands and two dykes , the crowded division of five islands and two dykes and the bright and spacious division of five islands and two dykes.
Key words:  andscape architecture  Guihu  spatial interpretation of historical maps  water system evolution  evolution characteristics
LUO Hao,CAI Li,LI Yicheng,LIU Lei.Evolution and Characteristics of Xindu Guihu Water System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(11):78-83.