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胡凯富, 郑曦
景观绩效研究为支撑、评价和指导景观实践提供重要科学依据。随着相关研究文献数量的大幅增长,传统文献梳理方式难以客观把握当前研究内容的宽度与深度。CiteSpace作为当前文献信息可视化分析的主要工具,为挖掘研究知识的网络结构和前沿动向提供技术支持。以Web of Science数据库所收录2000—2017年的景观绩效文献为研究对象,通过计量分析和人工检阅结合的述评方式,客观定量地呈现当前景观绩效研究的文献概况和发展脉络,进而系统揭示景观绩效研究的七大重点领域和两大前沿方向,为拓展中国当前研究内容和明确未来发展方向提供参考,以期推动中国景观绩效研究的进一步发展。
关键词:  风景园林  景观绩效  综述评价  计量分析
基金项目:北京市科技计划“北京景观空间数据采集及景观绩效评价研究”(编号 D171100000217003)
Literature Review of Key Areas and Frontier Trends in Landscape Performance Research Based on CiteSpace Bibliometric Analysis
HU Kaifu, ZHENG Xi
Beijing Forestry University
Landscape performance research provides an important scientific basis for supporting, evaluating and guiding the practice of landscape values. With substantial increase in the number of relevant research literature, it is difficult to objectively grasp the width and depth of current research content. As a main tool in visual analysis of current document information, CiteSpace provides technical support for mining the network structure and frontier trends of research knowledge. Taking the landscape performance literature of 2000-2017 included in the Web of Science database as the research object, and combining bibliometric analysis and manual review, we give an objective and quantitative presentation of the literature overview and development context of current landscape performance research, and then systematically reveal the landscape performance. The seven key areas of research and the two frontier directions provide reference for expanding China's current research content and clarifying the future development direction, with a view to promoting further development of landscape performance research in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape performance  literature review  bibliometric analysis
HU Kaifu,ZHENG Xi.Literature Review of Key Areas and Frontier Trends in Landscape Performance Research Based on CiteSpace Bibliometric Analysis[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(11):84-89.