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刘颂, 谌诺君
关键词:  绿色基础设施  水文调节服务  供给机制  综述
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题“绿色基础设施生态系统服务功能提升与生态安全格局构建”(编号 2017YFC0505705);住房和城乡建设部科学技术计划项目“基于定量模拟的城市水面率、水系结构调控研究—以江南平原城市为例”(编号2018-K2-021)
Mechanism and Promotion of Green Infrastructure’s Hydrological Regulation Service
LIU Song, CHEN Nuojun
Tongji University.
Under the background of climate change and rapid urbanization, such ecological problems as water shortage, water pollution and flood disasters have increased demand for new hydrological management strategy. It has become an important way for urban sustainable development to give full play to the hydrological regulation service function of green infrastructure (GI). Through literature research, this paper summarizes the supply mechanism of green infrastructure’s hydrological regulation service, which includes the mechanism of GI regulation of water quantity and quality, the quantitative evaluation method for hydrological regulation services and the influencing factors. It hence puts forward to choose GI reasonably according to local conditions. Through quantitative evaluation and accurate simulation, it makes comparisons of the multiple programs. It calls for enhancing public participation and policy protection to upgrade systematic approaches for hydrological regulation services.
Key words:  green infrastructure  hydrological regulation service  supply mechanism  review
LIU Song,CHEN Nuojun.Mechanism and Promotion of Green Infrastructure’s Hydrological Regulation Service[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):82-87.