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杨小乐1, 金荷仙1, 彭海峰2, 陈楚文1
随着城市热岛效应日趋严重,小尺度公共空间的气候研究已成为风景园林学科的研究热点之一。选取杭州市文一西路和古墩路作为实测对象,于2017年8月对各测点空间的空气温度、相对空气湿度、太阳辐射强度、风速风向进行测定,分析小气候因子日变化趋势,并运用Rayman 1.2模型评价人体舒适度,针对性提出街道空间小气候适应性设计策略。研究表明,尽可能设定与城市主导风平行或接近的街道朝向,通过人为增建遮阴空间、调控街道界面小气候一致、采用植物或绿色建筑材料、增设道路中央景观界面,且当人行道及机非分隔绿带分别种植落叶、常绿乔木,设五条绿带,选用乔—灌—草复层结构,同时增设垂直绿化时,能够有效缓解夏季极端热感受,从而营建舒适健康的城市街道空间。
关键词:  风景园林  小气候  街道  设计策略  夏季  杭州
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目 “城市宜居环境风景园林小气候适应性设计理论和方法研究”(编号 51338007)
Research on Adaptive Design Strategy of Hangzhou Streets Based on Summer Micro-climate Effect
YANG Xiaole1, JIN Hexian1, PENG Haifeng2, CHEN Chuwen1
1.Zhejiang A & F University;2.Hangzhou Sai Shi Garden Group Co., Ltd
As urban heat island effect is becoming increasingly serious, the study of climate in small-scale public space has turned into a hotspot of landscape architecture discipline. In this study, we have selected Wenyi West Road and Gudun Road of Hangzhou as the measured objects. We measured the air temperature, relative air humidity, solar radiation intensity and wind speed and direction of the space of each measurement point in August 2017, to analyze the daily changes of the microclimatic factors. We have adopted the Rayman1.2 model to evaluate the differences in human comfort, and put forward targeted adaptive design strategies for microclimate in street space. The study finds that we should manage to set streets in orientation parallel or close to the dominant wind of the city, construct more shading space to regulate the microclimate of street interface in consistency, add road central interface landscape with plants or green building materials, plant deciduous and evergreen trees in five green belts to separate sidewalks, non-motorized vehicle lanes and motorways, select the arbor-shrub-grass layered structure, while adding vertical greening, to effectively alleviate the extreme heat sensation in summer, and create a comfortable, healthy urban street space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  microclimate  streets  design strategy  summer  Hangzhou
YANG Xiaole,JIN Hexian,PENG Haifeng,CHEN Chuwen.Research on Adaptive Design Strategy of Hangzhou Streets Based on Summer Micro-climate Effect[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):100-104.