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肖湘东1, 陈国凤2, 董丽1, 燕海南2
中国城市化进程不断推进,城市热岛效应的强度和负面影响越来越大,因此研究绿地植物群落类型对城市降温效应的影响具有重要意义。在实地调研的基础上,采用多元统计和拟合函数模型等方法,利用叶面积指数、三维绿量等因子分析4种植物群落类型的降温效应,以揭示绿地植物群落类型对降温效应影响的内在机制。夏季,4种植物群落类型对降温效应影响趋势分布排序为:乔木—灌木—草坪群落>群植小乔木群落> 乔木—草坪群落>乔木—硬质铺装群落;其中乔木—草坪群落与乔木—硬质铺装群落的降温效应较为接近。将反映植物群落特征的因子导入拟合数学方程模型,从而形成对降温效应作用较好的群落结构。研究结果和研究创新之处在于研究结果阐述了绿地植物群落类型对降温效应影响的内在作用机制。
关键词:  风景园林  植物群落  降温效应  叶面积指数  三维绿量  生理等效温度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国传统民居地理分布规律的初步研究”(批准号 41371173);苏州市科技局项目“玻璃幕墙建筑垂直绿化节能关键集成技术研究”(编号 SS201663);江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目“江苏省苏州市工业园区绿地降温效应研究”(编号 KYCX17_2007)
The Cooling Effects of Four Plant Community Types in Hot and Humid Areas of East China
XIAO Xiangdong1, CHEN Guofeng2, DONG Li1, YAN Hainan2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Soochow University
With the continuous progress of China’s urbanization, the intensity and negative impact of urban heat island effect are becoming increasingly prominent. So it is of great significance to study the effects of green plant community types on urban cooling. Based on field surveys, multivariate statistical analysis, and the establishment of fitting function model, we have analyzed the cooling effects of four plant community types from plant leaf area index and 3D Green Quantity, to reveal the internal mechanism of the influence of green plant community types on the cooling effect. In summer, plant leaf area index and 3D Green Quantity are adopted in the sequence of four plant community types on cooling effect: arbor-shrub-lawn community > group planting with short tree community > arbor-lawn community > arbor-hardpavement community. The cooling effect of tree-grass and tree with pavement of rigid material have similar function. The community characteristics can be introduced into the mathematical equation model to form a suitable plant community type for landscaping, and the inner mechanism of the influence of vegetation community on cooling effect is illustrated finally, which is one of the innovations of this study.
Key words:  landscape architecture  plant community  cooling effect  Leaf Area Index  3D Green Quantity  physiological equivalent temperature
XIAO Xiangdong,CHEN Guofeng,DONG Li,YAN Hainan.The Cooling Effects of Four Plant Community Types in Hot and Humid Areas of East China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):94-99.