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简萍, 林广思
关键词:  风景园林  环境教育  教育效果  评价方法  指标体系  结构方程
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“珠三角城市综合公园社会效益测量指标和方法研究”(编号 51678242);华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目“基于风景园林实践的景观绩效形成机制与影响因素研究”(编号2017ZD033)
A Review of Methods for Evaluation of Efficacy of Urban Green Space Environmental Education
JIAN Ping, LIN Guangsi
South China University of Technology
Environmental education (EE) is an important means of urban green space management to promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The evaluation of its efficacy is an effective way to improve the management level of EE. Exploring the study and application is of positive significance to understand the urban green space EE mechanism, reach more credible evaluation findings, and put forward basis for more reliable measures. This paper sorts out the evaluation methods in the studies of EE efficacy of urban green space at home and abroad under the document research method. It separates the development process of EE efficacy evaluation methods into three stages, and makes a comparative analysis. It sums up and concludes that the evaluation methods in practical research have shown the trend of integration and systematization, and the evaluation conclusions have also been significantly improved in reliability and validity from the past. On this basis, this paper introduces two new practical methods that have emerged in recent years: one is to evaluate the efficacy of EE through the establishment of an evaluation index system; the other is to explore the relationship between the elements of environmental education and the overall efficacy of the EE through introducing the structural equation. The studies that apply the two methods have proved that environmental education measures with clear targets could indeed leave a positive impact on the educatees of the urban green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  environmental education  educational efficacy  evaluation method  index system  structural equation
JIAN Ping,LIN Guangsi.A Review of Methods for Evaluation of Efficacy of Urban Green Space Environmental Education[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):111-116.