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朱强, 李东宸, 郭灿灿, 姜骄桐
关键词:  畅春园  西花园  复原研究  三山五园  理法
A Study on the Restoration and Gardening Method of Changchun Garden in Qing Dynasty
ZHU Qiang, LI Dongchen, GUO Cancan, JIANG Jiaotong
Beijing Forestry University
The overall protection of the Three Hills and Five Gardens region has been proposed for the first time in the latest version of Beijing Urban Master Plan (2016—2035). Changchun Garden, the only one no longer preserved in historical site among the Five Gardens, faces a lot of challenges in research and protection. This thesis has restored the historical layout of the garden, as well as its affiliated garden, the West Garden, in the periods of Emperor Qianlong and Daoguang, through studying the spatial relationships of many documents including historical design drawings and records, aerial and mapping images since modern times and archaeological reports. It has also basically detected their specific locations in Haidian District, confirming the locations are within the conservation area of the plan. On this basis, it has discussed their function and landscape layout, and concluded that Changchun Garden was a large artificial landscape garden with high artistic level spanning the Ming and Qing dynasties. It had played an important role in the construction of imperial gardens in the Qing Dynasty, and therefore has high academic value.
Key words:  Changchun Garden  West Garden  restoration research  Three Hills and Five Gardens  gardening method
ZHU Qiang,LI Dongchen,GUO Cancan,JIANG Jiaotong.A Study on the Restoration and Gardening Method of Changchun Garden in Qing Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):117-122.