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冉玲于, 苟翡翠, 王雪原, 周燕
关键词:  雨洪调蓄  城市人工湖  水量平衡  水文循环过程  景观设计方法  海绵城市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“响应城市内涝机制的减灾型景观地形设计与量化调控方法研究”(编号 51708426);2018年武汉大学自主科研(学科交叉类)项目“雨洪安全视角下的水生态基础设施集水潜力研究—以武汉市大东湖片区为例”(编号 2042018kf0250)
Study on Water Balance Landscape Design Method for Urban Artificial Lakes from the Perspective of Rainwater and Flood Regulation and Storage
RAN Lingyu, GOU Feicui, WANG Xueyuan, ZHOU Yan
Wuhan University
Urban artificial lakes, as one of the water ecological infrastructure, can realize the function of stormwater regulation and storage through the regulation of water balance. However, there is a general contradiction featuring great difficulty in maintaining water quantity in urban artificial lakes planning and construction now. On the premise of clarifying the basic principle and hydrological scale of water balance of urban artificial lakes, this paper constructs the water balance process of artificial lakes by virtue of the comparative study of hydrological cycle process between urban artificial lakes and natural lakes. It analyzes the factors of its eight water balance of impact factor and the feasibility of the control, and from the landscape architecture specialty of controllable perspective, urban artificial lakes hydrological cycle and the landscape elements to correlation analysis, sets up urban lake landscape design guideline aiming at water balance, through “counterpoint to the spatial structure” and “corresponding to the material carrier” of two steps to realize water regulation. It is hoped that it can provide a universal planning and design method system for solving practical problems of water conservation of urban artificial lakes, expand the scope of research on water ecological infrastructure, and provide theoretical and practical reference for the construction of “sponge cities”.
Key words:  rainwater flood storage  urban artificial lake  water balance  hydrological cycle  landscape design  landscape elements  sponge city
RAN Lingyu,GOU Feicui,WANG Xueyuan,ZHOU Yan.Study on Water Balance Landscape Design Method for Urban Artificial Lakes from the Perspective of Rainwater and Flood Regulation and Storage[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(3):75-80.