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沈洁, 龙若愚, 陈静
面对中国如火如荼的海绵城市建设,如何评价其建设成效成为新一轮的关注热点。中国针对该领域的专项评价标准也在近几年相继出台,其中最新版《海绵城市建设评价标准》(征求意见稿)于2018年7月发布。选取美国绩效评价标准中的“社区开发LEED 认证(简称LEED-ND)”“可持续场地倡议(简称SITES)”和“景观绩效系列(简称LPS)”中关于雨水管理的评价标准,与中国海绵城市的考核办法和评价标准进行比较,最后从评价指标的补充、评价方式的完善和评价细则的扩展3方面针对中国《海绵城市建设评价标准》的评价体系提出改进建议。
关键词:  社区开发LEED 认证  可持续场地倡议  景观绩效系列  雨水管理  海绵城市  绩效评价
The Enlightenment of American Stormwater Management Evaluation Criteria (LEED-ND, SITES, LPS) on Performance Assessment of Sponge Cities in China
SHEN Jie, LONG Ruoyu, CHEN Jing
Tongji University
Facing the ongoing construction of sponge cities in China, how to assess the construction results has become a new focus. China’s specific assessment standards for this field have been introduced in recent years, and the latest edition of “Assessment Standard for Sponge Cities” (Exposure Draft) was released in July 2018. This paper selects the evaluation criteria for rainwater management in the “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND)”, “Sustainable Site Initiative (SITES)” and “Landscape Performance Series (LPS)” in the US Performance Evaluation Standards. Then it compares them with the assessment methods and evaluation criteria of China's sponge cities. Finally, it proposes suggestions for China’s “assessment standard for sponge cities” from three aspects: the supplement of assessment indicators, the improvement of assessment methods and the expansion of assessment index rules.
Key words:  LEED-ND  SITES  LPS  stormwater management  sponge city  performance assessment
SHEN Jie,LONG Ruoyu,CHEN Jing.The Enlightenment of American Stormwater Management Evaluation Criteria (LEED-ND, SITES, LPS) on Performance Assessment of Sponge Cities in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(3):81-86.