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刘滨谊, 彭旭路
关键词:  风景园林  小气候  热舒适  南京东路
The Analysis and Evaluation of Thermal Comfort at Nanjing East Road, Shanghai
LIU Binyi, PENG Xulu
Tongji University
To study the influence of spatial factors on microclimate and human body thermal comfort in urban streets of hot summer and cold winter regions and their interaction laws, this paper has observed the microclimates in winter and summer and made thermal comfort questionnaires of the typical landscape space, under the top shelter mode, at 12 measurement points under four spatial types in the pedestrian street of Nanjing East Road, Shanghai. Then it analyzes different influences of various top shelters on the wind, humidity and temperature of the microclimate of the landscape architecture and, along with the calculation of the thermal comfort evaluation index and the user thermal comfort questionnaire, evaluates the human body thermal comfort under different top shelter space. The result shows that: 1) According to the questionnaire, the overhanging area of the building shelter area to the north side of the street is the most comfortable in winter, and the full tree shaded area is the most comfortable in summer. 2) By improving the degree and type of spatial shelter, a reasonable street design according to the wind directions and the distance from the street intersections can significantly affect the solar radiation and wind environment in the streets, thereby improving the thermal comfort of the streets. 3) The thermal neutral temperature range calculated by Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) are 16.90~28.95℃ in winter and 9.05~22.57℃ in summer. 4) The PET evaluation has underestimated the influence of wind speed on thermal comfort in the high temperature season. The paper has proposed a thermal comfort prediction equation based on the questionnaires. This research will provide experience and reference for the planning and construction of comfort of urban streets in the future.
Key words:  landscape architecture  microclimate  thermal comfort  Nanjing East Road
LIU Binyi,PENG Xulu.The Analysis and Evaluation of Thermal Comfort at Nanjing East Road, Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):83-88.