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姚朋, 周佳怡, 王子晴, 李雄
关键词:  风景园林  郊野公园  城市雨洪  营建策略
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号31800606); 2015北京市共建项目(编号2015BLUREE01)
A Study on the Construction Strategy of Country Parks to Cope with Urban Flood Risk—A Case Study of Jiahe Country Park
YAO Peng, ZHOU Jiayi, WANG Ziqing, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Based on the overall development of country parks and present situation of urban flood in the country, this paper expounds the necessity of dealing with urban flood risks in country parks, combining the researches and practice at home and abroad. It makes a case study of the Jiahe Country Park project of Yantai City, which was hosted by the author and has won many international and domestic awards. On the basis of analyzing the urban water problems, it establishes the design goal and concept, and puts forward the construction strategy of dealing with urban flood in high efficiency and constructing country parks at low costs. It also summarizes the performance of the project from the perspectives of water resources, safety, environment and ecology. Finally, it raises the requirements for the construction of country parks in the new era, providing useful references for subsequent researches and project construction.
Key words:  landscape architecture  country park  urban flood  construction strategy
YAO Peng,ZHOU Jiayi,WANG Ziqing,LI Xiong.A Study on the Construction Strategy of Country Parks to Cope with Urban Flood Risk—A Case Study of Jiahe Country Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):89-94.