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毛华松1, 宋尧佳1, 陈曦2
关键词:  风景园林  单位社区  适老性景观  社区更新  社区养老
Research on the Strategy of Elderly Friendly Landscape Renewal in Unit Community under Social Transformation—A Case Study of Chongqing Cotton Mill Community
MAO Huasong1, SONG Yaojia1, CHEN Xi2
1.Chongqing University;2.Shanxi Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute
Under the background of aging society, community old-age care has become the main mode of providing for the aged in Chinese cities. The ageing problem in unit communities is more typical than other emerging communities, and they have become a major front in community pension construction. Since institutional transformation has led to the fragmentation of the original function and structure, there is a general lack for the elders in such communities. This highlights the urgency of studies of elderly friendly landscape renewal in unit communities. Citing the community attached to the cotton mill in Tuwan, Chongqing as an example, this paper investigates the daily behavior paths, social network characteristics and cultural memory perception of the elderly through social survey scale and semi-open interviews. It has found three major problems, which are the separation of the community service system, the differentiation of social network and the loss of collective memory. It hence puts forward the elderly friendly landscape intervention approach, comprising the improvement of the community service system, increasing diversified communication space, and extending the unit collective memory, thus providing a theoretical exploration and practical sample for the construction of elderly friendly landscape in the unit communities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  the unit community  elderly friendly landscape  community renewal  community service for the aged
MAO Huasong,SONG Yaojia,CHEN Xi.Research on the Strategy of Elderly Friendly Landscape Renewal in Unit Community under Social Transformation—A Case Study of Chongqing Cotton Mill Community[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(4):95-99.