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刘颂, 赖思琪
关键词:  风景园林  大数据  城市公共空间  活力  测度  研究方向
Measurement of Urban Public Space Vitality Based on Big Data
LIU Song, LAI Siqi
Tongji University
Urban public space is an open place for people to engage in social activities. It is of great significance to study the measurement of its vitality. People and their activities are the main body and external manifestation of the vitality of public space. Traditional measurement methods are often indirect reflection of the space vitality. Big data can fully reflect the behavior characteristics and spatio-temporal laws of crowd activities. Thus, it is possible to truly describe the essence of public space vitality. From the perspective of reflecting the stability, aggregation and diversity of human activities, this paper puts forward the evaluation system and quantitative calculation method of public space vitality based on big data. It points out that the study of big data quality and applicability, public space vitality evaluation and coupling mechanism of public space vitality with the physical space should be the future research directions.
Key words:  landscape architecture  big data  urban public space  vitality  measurement  research direction
LIU Song,LAI Siqi.Measurement of Urban Public Space Vitality Based on Big Data[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):24-28.