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关键词:  风景园林  数字景观  机器学习  城市色彩  视觉评价  地形生成
Research on Intellectual Analysis and Application of Landscape Architecture Based on Machine Learning
BAO Ruiqing
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
Machine learning makes data intellectualization processing and full use of knowledge and value contained in data possible. To explore the approaches of intellectual analysis and application in landscape architecture based on machine learning, we carried out three experiments. Two experiments are related to data analysis study, to propose urban colour impression based on investigating image colour clustering analysis, and the landscape visual quality evaluation and network application platform deployment based on image recognition technology. The last experiment is related to digital design creation, to propose the terrain generation method for design scheme comparison, including two subitems, which are the terrain generation with the Generative Adversarial Networks of deep learning as well as predicting the elevation in the unknown area by building masks, respectively. All the three experiments employ the algorithms of classification, clustering, and regression, as well as the Generative Adversarial Networks of deep learning, to propose new study methods based on machine learning for traditional study issues. Therefore, with the application of machine learning to landscape architecture, we can effectively learn about the interaction enhancement knowledge from multi-source, find problems and propose new methods to solve problems.
Key words:  landscape architecture  digital landscape  machine learning  urban color  visual evaluation  terrain generation
BAO Ruiqing.Research on Intellectual Analysis and Application of Landscape Architecture Based on Machine Learning[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):29-34.