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著:(德)迈克·施托克曼1, 著:(德)伊尔可·马绍尔2, 译:孔洞一3
关键词:  风景园林  文化遗产  文化景观要素  文化景观  文化景观信息系统  公众参与
20 Years of KLEKs—The Establishment of Historical Cultural Landscape Element Database Based on Volunteer Participation in Germany
(GER) Maik Stöckmann1, (GER) Ilke Marschall2, KONG Dongyi3
1.GIS and software development company specialized in archaeological and cultural heritage;2.University of Applied Sciences Erfurt;3.University of Bonn
Historical cultural landscape elements have shaped the “face” of today’s landscape. Against the background of the current planning framework its protection and evaluation will be realized by the digital means in the context of enough understanding of the concept. For this purpose, a cultural landscape element collection system (KLEKs) based on voluntary behaviors has been set up in Germany in 1999. It aims to collect the historical and cultural landscape elements based on GIS data as detailed and completely as possible. KLEKs is currently used in several federal states in Germany. It is advanced in particular with the participation of experts and volunteers in rural research and with the support of teaching and research projects at several German universities. This paper provides an overview of the technological development of the KLEKs system. It focuses on the introduction of the chronological development, collection methodology, and the use of the KLEKs database in planning processes.
Key words:  landscape architecture  cultural heritage  cultural landscape elements  cultural landscape  cultural landscape information system  public participation
(GER) Maik Stöckmann,(GER) Ilke Marschall,KONG Dongyi.20 Years of KLEKs—The Establishment of Historical Cultural Landscape Element Database Based on Volunteer Participation in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):41-47.