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李倞, 宋捷
关键词:  风景园林  景观基础设施  绿色基础设施  绿色空间轴线  慢行系统  交通  巴塞罗那
Urban Green Axis—A Case Study of Landscape Architecture Approach for the Construction of Slow-traffic Network in Barcelona
LI Liang, SONG Jie
Beijing Forestry University
Barcelona, a model of urban public space construction,has paid much attention to the “people-oriented” construction concept in recent years, promoting the construction plan of “slow-moving city”. To meet the needs of urban walking accessibility, Barcelona has rezoned the urban slow-moving areas, planned the slow-moving networks connecting the segments, and made the networks also connected with the public transportation system. In the construction of the urban slow traffic network, the city has focused on the combination of green space networks and the slow traffic system, mainly applying the existing linear infrastructure such as roads, railways and river channels, and turning these spaces into connective multi-functional green axis spaces with the creative design. The implementation of this plan provides an important reference for the construction of slow-moving cities around the world, especially the reconstruction of the slow-moving system in urban built-up areas.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape infrastructure  green infrastructure  green space connectors axis  slow traffic system  transportation  Barcelona
LI Liang,SONG Jie.Urban Green Axis—A Case Study of Landscape Architecture Approach for the Construction of Slow-traffic Network in Barcelona[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):65-70.