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金云峰, 李宣谕, 王俊祺, 沈洁
关键词:  公共空间  有机更新  更新机制  公众参与  美国经验  政府主导
Research on Public Participation Mechanism for Large-scale Public Space Renewal in Stock Planning:A Case Study of East Side Coastal Resiliency Project of the U.S.
JIN Yunfeng, LI Xuanyu, WANG Junqi, SHEN Jie
Tongji University
In the face of the complex stakeholders in urban renewal under the background of stock planning, it has gradually become a planning strategy widely used in China to introduce public participation in the planning management process. To cope with large-scale urban public space renewal in the country where the non-profit organization system has not yet been fully built, the paper carries out a case study of the implementation of the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project (ESCR) in New York, the United States, to effectively align the bottom-up spatial requirements with the top-down planning strategy. Through comparative studies, it analyzes the guarantee mechanism of public participation in the process. The paper underscores the importance of top-level laws in the establishment of a precise and specific set of technical standards for public participation. It also explores the ways of public participation, especially the participation of the citizen class in the renewal planning process. It goes on to discuss the system value of multi-directional control and overall catalytic of the government functions in the overall guarantee system of public participation. The research provides a new perspective and strategic reference for the overall renewal of urban public space based on public participation suitable for China’s national conditions.
Key words:  public space  organic renewal  renewal mechanism  public participation  U.S. experience  government-led
JIN Yunfeng,LI Xuanyu,WANG Junqi,SHEN Jie.Research on Public Participation Mechanism for Large-scale Public Space Renewal in Stock Planning:A Case Study of East Side Coastal Resiliency Project of the U.S.[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):71-76.