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张文英1, 欧飞燕2
关键词:  风景园林  生态恢复  社会生态记忆  记忆载体
Social-ecological Memory: A New Approach to Urban Landscape Construction—The Planning & Design of Liuye Lake Scenic Area, Changde, Hunan Province
ZHANG Wenying1, OU Feiyan2
1.South China Agricultural University;2.Palm Design Co., Ltd
As time goes by, fast-growing cities have brought about great changes to the ecological environment, posing threats and challenges to biodiversity and continuity of ecological functions. How to explore social ecological memory, and use collective social memory with time depth and spatial structure as the basic prototype of landscape planning and design to create space and places have become an important way to participate in the construction and renewal of urban green spaces. With a case study of the Liuye Lake Scenic Area of Changde, Hunan Province, we have studied how to apply ecological memory to landscape continuity and biodiversity conservation, create landscapes with social ecological memory through the identification, storage, construction, grafting and transformation of memory carriers, and strive to understand that social collective memory plays an important role in landscape construction and achieve practice. The design has explored emotional skills of landscape, brought people’s memories of the past and emotions of the place into the present, studied how to integrate excavated imprints of the past into local residents’ daily landscape, make the site an ecological riverside area integrated with urban lake, ecological memory and leisure function.
Key words:  : landscape architecture  ecological remediation  social-ecological memory  memory carrier
ZHANG Wenying,OU Feiyan.Social-ecological Memory: A New Approach to Urban Landscape Construction—The Planning & Design of Liuye Lake Scenic Area, Changde, Hunan Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):99-104.