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基于农业体验的城市农业综合体设计探析——以 “FICO Eataly World”为例
张真瑞, 秦岩
城市农业综合体的出现是对城市居民日益增长的田园体验需求的一种全新回应,对乡村振兴、城乡融合发展能够起到推动作用。以探究城市农业综合体的规划方式为目的,通过对城市农业综合体概念的梳理,提出城市农业综合体的基本特征和功能构成。随后对意大利城市农业综合体“FICO Eataly World”的规划设计进行分析,介绍城市农业综合体的设计理念、功能布局、流线组织和景观特色。最终提出城市农业综合体应选择市郊农业用地,在保留田园风貌的基础上,融合城市商业、农业观光体验进行规划设计,为中国城市综合体的发展创新、乡村振兴和城乡融合发展提供新的方向。
关键词:  风景园林  城市农业综合体  农业体验  功能布局  流线分析
Analysis on Urban Agricultural Complex Design Based on Agricultural Experience—A Case Study of “FICO Eataly World
ZHANG Zhenrui, QIN Yan
Beijing Forestry University
Urban agricultural complex has emerged as a new response to the growing needs of urban residents for rural experiences. It will promote rural revitalization and urban-rural integration development. This paper focuses on exploring the design methods of urban agricultural complex. By sorting out the concept of urban agricultural complex, it presents the basic characteristics and functional composition of the urban agricultural complex. Then by analyzing the planning and design of FICO Eataly World in Italy, it introduces the design concept, functional layout, streamline organization and landscape characteristics of urban agricultural complex. Finally, it proposes that the urban agricultural complex should choose the suburban agricultural land. On the basis of preserving the rural landscape, the urban agricultural complex should be designed to integrate urban commerce and agricultural sightseeing experience. It will provide a new direction for the development and innovation of urban complexes, rural revitalization and urban-rural integration development in China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban agricultural complex  agricultural experience  functional layout  streamline analysis
引用本文:张真瑞,秦岩.基于农业体验的城市农业综合体设计探析——以 “FICO Eataly World”为例[J].风景园林,2019,26(5):105-108.
ZHANG Zhenrui,QIN Yan.Analysis on Urban Agricultural Complex Design Based on Agricultural Experience—A Case Study of “FICO Eataly World[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(5):105-108.