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韩洁, 高雅丽
关键词:  风景园林  景观更新  社区营造  可持续发展  社区凝聚力
From Landscape Renewal to Community Building——A Case Study of the Yuanqianshe Community, Xiamen, Fujian
HAN Jie, GAO Yali
Xiamen University
As an integrated existence embodying the unity of “mind and matters” in the dimensions of nature, physical space, psychology and culture, high-quality landscape is essential for the well-being of mankind. Facing the requirements of sustainable development of community in the context of stock development, landscape renewal has now become an emerging approach of community building. Yuanqianshe Community in Xiamen has inspired a series of community building activities through multi-level landscape renewal, reshaped community cohesion and sense of identity, and become a model case of community building under the model of “joint creation”. This paper starts with the landscape renewal of the Yuanqianshe Community and, combined with the research results of the past three years, to explore the possibility of applying landscape renewal as a way to realize community building. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, it sorts out the process of transforming the Yuanqianshe Community from a “demolition village” to an “eco-cultural demonstration village” through landscape renewal. Taking sustainable development of the community as the value standard, this paper evaluates the promoting effect of landscape renewal on community building.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape renewal  community building  sustainable development  community cohesion
HAN Jie,GAO Yali.From Landscape Renewal to Community Building——A Case Study of the Yuanqianshe Community, Xiamen, Fujian[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):35-40.