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肖华斌, 王梦颖, 安淇, 任震
关键词:  生态智慧  南旺分水枢纽  适地性  共生性
The Ecological Wisdom of Nanwang Water Diversion Hub on Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal’s Ridge
XIAO Huabin, WANG Mengying, AN Qi, REN Zhen
Shandong Jianzhu University
Nanwang Water-diversion Hydro-junction is an important part of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to achieve navigation between the north and the south of China. Known as the “Dujiangyan in the north”, it is a typical representative of traffic water conservancy facilities, reflecting the ecological wisdom of water control projects in the North China Plain. By systematically combing the historical evolution of Nanwang Water-diversion Hydro-junction’s pattern, we have found that the exploration of water sources and the rise and fall of canal transportation have penetrated the development of the Shandong section of the Grand Canal. In the meantime, it reflects the ecological wisdom of “natural adaptability” and “settlement symbiosis”. Nanwang Water-diversion Hydro-junction takes the overall environmental concept and connects with the regional water network. In terms of the hub organization, it follows the principle of systematization to build a ladder-type functional network. In terms of technology, Nanwang Water-diversion Hydro-junction adapts to and moderately transforms the natural environment. It has scientifically and rationally constructed water conservancy facilities to realize the functions of “blocking, diversion, dividing, impoundment and drainage” while achieving navigation. Nanwang Water-diversion Hydro-junction and the surrounding settlements have formed an interactive symbiotic relationship featuring “prosperity because of the canal” and “integration of agriculture and business”. Through strict control and collaborative management, it has ensured the function of water-transportation, thus achieving the national strategy of financial transfer northward and political unification. The ecological wisdom and practice of “natural adaptability” and “symbiosis” in Nanwang Water-diversion Hydro-junction has practical guiding significance for the sustainable development of ecological, social and economic in the North China Plain.
Key words:  ecological wisdom  Nanwang water-diversion hydro-junction  natural adaptability  symbiosis relationship
XIAO Huabin,WANG Mengying,AN Qi,REN Zhen.The Ecological Wisdom of Nanwang Water Diversion Hub on Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal’s Ridge[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):41-46.