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赵仁林, 张延龙, 王茜, 牛立新
为科学评价牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa)观赏活动对大学生生理和心理的影响,本研究定量测定并分析了在牡丹不同发育时期(展叶、初花、盛花和末花期)大学生观赏前后的生理指标(血压、心率、血氧饱和度和指尖脉搏)和心理指标(焦虑和心境状态)。结果表明:与其他时期相比,在盛花期观看牡丹后大学生的血压、心率和指尖脉搏均下降显著(P<0.05),消极情绪(焦虑、愤怒、抑郁和疲劳)均显著降低,积极情绪(精力)明显提高(P<0.05)。各时期女生生理指标值较男生变化明显,男生心理指标值较女生变化明显。由此可知,开花时牡丹观赏活动能缓解大学生紧张情绪,使之身心放松状,并对男、女生生理和心理状态有不同的影响。该研究首次对不同发育期牡丹花对人的康复性进行探讨,这对牡丹康复景观的营造具有指导性。
关键词:  风景园林  园艺疗法  牡丹  生物反馈  心理量表  大学生
基金项目:国家林业局公益性行业专项(编号 201404701)
Effects of Paeonia suffruticosa Viewing on Physiology and Psychology of University Students
ZHAO Renlin, ZHANG Yanlong, WANG Xi, NIU Lixin
Northwest A&F University
To scientifically evaluate the influences of Paeonia suffruticosa on human physiological and psychological responses, this research took the quantitative experiment to survey and analyze the participants' physiological (blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation and fingertip pulse) and psychological (profile of mood states and state-trait anxiety inventory) changes between pre- and post-stimulations during the leaf stage, initial bloom stage, full bloom stage and failure bloom stage of Paeonia suffruticosa. The results showed that compared with other periods, the participants exhibited significantly lower blood pressure, heart rate, fingertip pulse and negative emotions (Irritability, Depression, Fatigue; P<0.050), also significantly improved positive emotions (Vigor; P<0.05) in the full bloom stage. The female’s physiological indexes were more varied than the male’s, but the male’s psychological indicators were changed than the female's. We thus concluded that the activities of viewing Paeonia suffruticosa could relieve students’ nervous mood, making their body and mind relaxed during the flowering stage. In addition, the female and male participants’ changes of psychological and physiological states were different. This study is the first to explore the rehabilitation of Paeonia suffruticosa at different phenological stages. It has guiding significance for the construction of peony rehabilitative landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  horticultural therapy  Paeonia suffruticosa  biological feedback  psychological scale  university student
ZHAO Renlin,ZHANG Yanlong,WANG Xi,NIU Lixin.Effects of Paeonia suffruticosa Viewing on Physiology and Psychology of University Students[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):109-113.