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关键词:  风景园林  宋代  苏堤  苏轼  西湖  公共园林
Study on the Construction by and Landscaping of Su Causeway by Su Shi of Song Dynasty
CHEN Wangdan
Beijing Forestry University
The Su Causeway, built by Su Shi in the Northern Song Dynasty, has a history of more than 900 years in landscape formation. Since it became one of the top 10 scenic spots of the West Lake in the Southern Song Dynasty, the Su Causeway has contributed to establishing the basic landscape structure of the West Lake in Hangzhou. The characteristics of the linear division of water surface with dikes and bridges have affected the gardening and waters layout in China and Japan. It is worthwhile to study how the Su Causeway was built and how it was landscaped in the Southern Song Dynasty. Based on textual researches of historical documents of the Song Dynasty, this paper makes a basic analysis of the landscape features, and the development of the Su Causeway in the Song Dynasty. It gives a description of the historical process of building the Su Causeway, and its traffic, commemorative characteristics. It is necessary to further study the landscape development of the Su Causeway and its unique values in the development of garden history.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Song Dynasty  Su Causeway  Su Shi  the West Lake  public garden
CHEN Wangdan.Study on the Construction by and Landscaping of Su Causeway by Su Shi of Song Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(6):114-118.