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魏方1, 朱育帆2
当代景观设计中价值取向的转变,包括设计行为从创造画面转向塑造场所,从创造新事物转向重现场地本质与原貌。依据景观设计中的空间特征和规划设计应用价值,将文本视角下的当代景观空间特征“复写”(palimpsest)定义为场地中各历史层次与当代层次的结合与共同显现。复写空间利用场地的潜力,实现了景观意义的传达,具有二元性、互文性及透明性的特点。复写既可以作为分析工具,也可以作为设计手段,其核心价值在于:多层空间结构得以平等呈现;历史信息积累而显现场地特质;设计创造诱发新的发展空间与场地产生关联。结合案例论述,研究与复写相关的分析方法与设计路径:呈现自治或在场地介入过程中建立互设关系,相关设计思想可回溯到埃森曼“人工开挖”(artificial excavation)的设计理念,以及文化景观及遗产保护中的“踪迹”(trace)概念。以场地空间特征出发,选择合适的设计方法,进而提出复写空间的多层建构是设计过程的关键部分。
关键词:  风景园林  设计方法  复写  景观意义  透明性  踪迹
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(编号 BLX201810);中国博士后科学基金(编号2019M650016)
Palimpsest of Urban Landscape: From Spatial Analysis to Design Approach
WEI Fang1, ZHU Yufan2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Tsinghua University
The value orientation of contemporary landscape design has changed from creating scenes to shaping sites, and from creating new objects to revealing hidden site information. This paper defines “palimpsest” as “the coexistence of historical and contemporary layers of sites” based on the spatial characteristics of contemporary landscape and design practice in the perspective of text. Palimpsest realizes the capability of the site and conveys the landscape meaning. The spatial characteristics of palimpsestuous landscape are “duality”, “transparency” and “intertextuality”. Palimpsest can be used as a tool of analysis and a means of design. Equal presentation of multi-spatial structures, place identity revealed from multi-layer accumulation, and new developed space triggered by design practice are the core values. This paper illustrates palimpsest both as an analytical tool and a design approach: presenting autonomy or establishing inter-connected relationships in the design process. The corresponding design concepts are shown in “artificial excavation” and “trace”. Summarizing the relevant design methods oriented from spatial characteristics and putting forward the form of palimpsest space are the keys of design process.
Key words:  landscape architecture  design approach  palimpsest  landscape meaning  transparency  trace
WEI Fang,ZHU Yufan.Palimpsest of Urban Landscape: From Spatial Analysis to Design Approach[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(7):45-50.