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沈洁, 林诗琪
“设计研究”为设计学科建立了理论基础,其分支“通过设计之研究”(Research through Design,简称RtD)更是为“设计研究”范式奠定了认识论基础。对风景园林设计领域而言,RtD在该领域的拓展与深化从本质上有助于风景园林学术研究体系的发展。介绍以Creswell的知识观框架(后实证主义、建构主义、变革主义、实用主义)对风景园林RtD进行分类的方法,并引用此框架爬梳了近5年间(2014—2018年)发表于《中国园林》和《风景园林》2本刊物的设计研究成果,从研究问题、研究过程、研究结果3方面对中国RtD进展进行了总结,并对当前设计研究发展的现状与趋势进行了分析和展望,以期为未来该领域研究提供方向。
关键词:  风景园林  设计研究  通过设计之研究  后实证主义RtD  建构主义RtD  变革主义RtD  实用主义RtD
Progress of Research Through Design (RtD) in Landscape Architecture
SHEN Jie, LIN Shiqi
Tongji University
“Design Research” has established the theoretical basis for the existence of the design discipline, and its branch “Research through Design” (RtD) has laid the epistemological foundation for the “design research” paradigm. The development of RtD in the landscape design field has contributed to the development of the academic research system of landscape architecture. This paper introduces the method of classifying RtD in landscape architecture with the Creswell framework (post-positivism, constructivism, transformative and pragmatism), reviews the design research results published in Chinese Landscape Architecture and Landscape Architecture over the past 5 years (2014-2018) to summarize the research progresses of RtD in China from the aspects of research problems, research processes and research results. It also analyzes and forecasts the characteristics and trends of design research to provide a direction for future research in this field.
Key words:  landscape architecture  design research  Research through Design  post-positivist RtD  constructivist RtD  transformative RtD  pragmatist RtD
SHEN Jie,LIN Shiqi.Progress of Research Through Design (RtD) in Landscape Architecture[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(7):51-56.