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李程1, 张海涛2, 赵宇豪1, 俞凌筠2
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿地  遥感调查  地面调查
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2017YFB0503903)
Research on Scale and Distribution of Urban Green Space Based on Synergetic Ground Survey and Remote Sensing Survey: A Case Study of Qingdao
LI Cheng1, ZHANG Haitao2, ZHAO Yuhao1, YU Lingjun2
1.Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development;2.Bureau of Urban Utilities and Landscaping of Nantong
The urban green space survey is a basic work of landscape planning, construction and management.The accuracy of data has a direct impact on the scientific development of urban landscaping. This paper puts forward a technical method of synergetic remote sensing survey and ground survey of the urban green space. By comparing the data obtained under this scheme and the data acquired in exclusive remote sensing survey or ground survey, it could improve the timeliness and accuracy of urban green space survey, especially park green space and attached green space survey, providing operational technical methods for urban green space surveys.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  remote sensing survey  ground survey
LI Cheng,ZHANG Haitao,ZHAO Yuhao,YU Lingjun.Research on Scale and Distribution of Urban Green Space Based on Synergetic Ground Survey and Remote Sensing Survey: A Case Study of Qingdao[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):48-53.