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Rakova Jelša 城镇公园
Medprostor d.o.o. 事务所
Medprostor d.o.o. 事务所
斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那市(Ljubljana)系列展览旨在对城市中被忽视的问题和逐渐消落的开放空间提出思考,该展览便是其中之一。本次展览名为“巴杰”(Barje),是卢布尔雅那市将城市中心与巴杰自然公园起点相连的重要策略之一。Rakova Jelša 是一个新建的城镇公园。这一新的公共空间同时也是Rakova jelša街区附近唯一的公共空间。这个新的公共空间以该街区为名,通过最小的干预手段使巴杰地区早期的荒废区域得以重新利用并向公众开放,在复兴巴杰的同时,区域与城市中心的联系得以重塑。Rakova Jelša 是卢布尔雅那市巴杰风景园若干出入口中的典范。
Rakova Jelša Town Park
Medprostor d.o.o.
Medprostor d.o.o.
First ideas for the project began with the exhibition Visions 8 (Vizije SO 8), one in a series of ex-hibitions that question overlooked problems and degraded open spaces in Ljubljana. The exhibition was named Barje, a step from the city - proposal of a new connection between the city centre and beginnings of Ljubljansko barje Nature Park was formed. The name of the newly formed town park, Rakova Jelša, derives from 1800s. New public space is also the first and only public space of the nearby Rakova jelša neighbourhood. The new area was named after the neighbourhood. With the new minimal intervention, formerly degraded area of Barje is given in use, open to the public anew, revived and relinked to the city centre. Rakova Jelša is a possible template for many entry points in Ljubljansko barje Nature Park.
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引用本文:Medprostor d.o.o. 事务所.Rakova Jelša 城镇公园[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):54-59.
Medprostor d.o.o..Rakova Jelša Town Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):54-59.