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近 20 年国外系统保护规划研究进展及启示
王婧, 欧小杨, 吴佳霖, 郑曦 *
运用系统保护规划(SCP)的方法建立保护地(protected area)对生物多样性资源及其所提供的生态系统服务价值具有重要保护作用。笔者归纳总结了自 19 世纪 80 年代以来系统保护规划思想产生和发展的历程,随后基于近 20 年来系统保护规划相关文献,梳理得到现阶段影响保护规划最为核心的两大背景—气候变化及生态系统服务,此背景对系统保护规划六步法关键步骤的研究动态产生深刻影响,并推动了新的研究进展的产生,其中涵盖了规划理念更新、保护目标多元化、数据及模型算法拓展、管理框架变更。笔者结合中国的自然保护地规划背景和相关实践,从关键内容、监测评估、实施管理 3 个方面提出未来的研究方向,以期通过借鉴国际上保护规划的方法、工具、经验对完善中国的保护地体系构建的实践提供参考。
关键词:  风景园林  自然保护地  系统保护规划  气候变化  生态系统服务  生物多样性
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费(编号 2017ZY08);北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项资金资助(编号 2019XKJS0316)
Research Progress and Enlightenment of Foreign Systematic Conservation Planning in Past 20 Years
WANG Jing, OU Xiaoyang, WU Jialin, ZHENG Xi*
Beijing Forestry University
The protected areas established through Systematic Conservation Planning (SCP) play an important role in protecting the biodiversity resources and ecosystem services they provide. This paper sums up the emergence and development of SCP since the 1880s, and then sorts out the literature of SCP in the past 20 years to conclude that climate change and ecosystem services are the key backgrounds affecting SCP at this stage. The backgrounds have left a profound impact on the research trends of the key steps of the six-step SCP method and have promoted the emergence of new research progress, including the updating of the planning concepts, the diversification of protection objects, the expansion of data and model algorithms, and the change of the management framework. Taking into account of the background and related practices of China's protected area planning, the paper puts forward the future research directions from the three aspects of key contents, monitoring and evaluation, and implementation management, so as to provide reference for improving China’s protected area network construction by referring to the methods, tools and experience of international conservation planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  natural protected area  Systematic Conservation Planning  climate change  ecosystem services  biodiversity
引用本文:王婧,欧小杨,吴佳霖,郑曦 *.近 20 年国外系统保护规划研究进展及启示[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):65-70.
WANG Jing,OU Xiaoyang,WU Jialin,ZHENG Xi*.Research Progress and Enlightenment of Foreign Systematic Conservation Planning in Past 20 Years[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):65-70.