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徐影秋, 刘志强 *, 王俊帝, 洪亘伟
在中国新型城镇化转型发展背景下,科学认识城市绿地建设水平的影响机理是提升人居环境质量、实现城市绿色发展的重要前提。选取陆桥通道样带为研究区域,采用地理探测器方法,探究 1996—2016 年沿线样带 139 个建制市建成区绿地率区域差异的影响机理。研究表明: 1)沿线样带市域建成区绿地率逐年提升,但存在明显时空分异,呈东西部两头高、中部低的“U”型格局; 2)地理探测显示样带市域建成区绿地率差异是自然、经济和政策等因素非线性或双因子作用的结果,年均温为核心主导因子,园林城市政策、海拔高程是次要解释力; 3)自然地理本底是奠定差异的重要基础,政策引领是关键,经济水平是直接推动因素,产业结构、土地供给和基础设施为外部主导动力。研究定量化呈现了自然因素对城市绿地建设水平区域差异的大尺度、长期性影响;探测“自然—经济—政策”多维因素的综合作用,更精准地对城市绿地建设分类施治,是典型区域和典型方法在学科领域的一次尝试。
关键词:  风景园林  建成区绿地率  样带  地理探测器  区域差异  影响机理  陆桥通道
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51778389);江苏高校“青蓝工程”;江苏省企业研究生工作站(苏州园林设计院有限公司);苏州科技大学风景园林学学科建设项目;江苏省 2018 年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(编号 KYCX18_2564)
Research on Influencing Mechanism of Regional Difference of Green Rate of Built District of Cities Along Land-Bridge Passage Based on Transect-Geodetector
XU Yingqiu, LIU Zhiqiang*, WANG Jundi, HONG Genwei
Suzhou University of Science and Technology
Under the backdrop of great transformation and development of China’s new urbanization, scientific understanding of the influencing mechanism of urban green space construction has become an important prerequisite for improving the quality of human settlement environment and realizing the green development of cities. By taking the transect of land-bridge passage as the research target with the geographical detector method, this paper explores the influencing mechanism of regional difference of the green rate of built district of 139 cities along the sample line from 1996 to 2016. The results show: 1) The green rate of built district along the transect has been increasing year by year, however with obvious differentiation in time and space, showing a U-shaped pattern high in the eastern and western ends and low in the middle; 2) Geographical detection shows that the difference of green rate of built district along the transect is the result of nonlinear or double-factor interactions of nature, economy and policy factors. The average annual temperature is the core leading factor, followed by the garden city policies and altitude elevation; 3)The natural geographical background is the major basis for the difference. The policy guidance is the key factor. Economic development is the direct driving force. The industrial structure, land supply and infrastructure are the external motive forces. This study has quantitatively presented the large-scale, long-term effects of natural factors on the difference of green space construction. It is also an attempt of typical areas and typical methods in the field of disciplines by detecting the comprehensive effects of the multi-dimensional factors of “natureeconomy-policy”, in order to more accurately measure the urban green space construction.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green rate of built district  transect  Geodetector  regional differences  influencing mechanism  land-bridge passage
引用本文:徐影秋,刘志强 *,王俊帝,洪亘伟.基于样带—地理探测器的陆桥通道沿线建制市建成区绿地率区域差异影响机理研究[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):71-76.
XU Yingqiu,LIU Zhiqiang*,WANG Jundi,HONG Genwei.Research on Influencing Mechanism of Regional Difference of Green Rate of Built District of Cities Along Land-Bridge Passage Based on Transect-Geodetector[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):71-76.