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谢青松, 王欣*, 张蕊
关键词:  风景园林  中国园林史  入境  小灵鹫山馆图咏  空间格局  游园情景
The “Immersive” Interpretation of Place Image of Jiaxing Small Lingjiu Villa Pictorial Odes of Late Qing Dynasty
XIE Qingsong, WANG Xin*, ZHANG Rui
Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University
The Small Lingjiu Villa, no longer extant now, was a prominent literati home garden in the late Qing Dynasty in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. Most of the existing pictorial odes reproduced the garden landscape from the perspective of sightseeing. In order to extrapolate the spatial pattern of this villa and reproduce the scene of touring the garden at acient time, this paper takes the concept of “immersion” as an interpretive tool to decipher these pictorial odes of the villa. It expounds the independent characteristics of the fragments and the dual combination with differences of the villa garden space under the touring narrative perspective. It focuses on the sightseeing scenes of the tourists at that time with the perceptual experience and psychological descriptions in the inscriptions.
Key words:  landscape architecture  history of Chinese garden  immersion  Small Lingjiu Villa pictorial odes  spatial pattern  scene of tourists visiting gardens
XIE Qingsong,WANG Xin*,ZHANG Rui.The “Immersive” Interpretation of Place Image of Jiaxing Small Lingjiu Villa Pictorial Odes of Late Qing Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(10):119-123.