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杨静1, 成玉宁*1, (意)爱德华多·库拉2
关键词:  风景园林  遗址公园  遗址保护理念  规划设计策略  实施技术路径  意大利
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 51838003)
Research on Planning and Design of Italian Heritage Park: A Case Study of Trajan Archaeological Park in Rome
YANG Jing1, CHENG Yuning*1, (ITA) Edoardo Curra2
1.Southeast University;2.University of Rome
As an effective way of heritage protection, educational display and archaeological research, heritage parks have been widely popularized and developed throughout the world. Italy is a spearhead of cultural heritage protection in the world. Its complete legal protection system, mature heritage protection concept and cultural relics preservation technologies are of considerable reference significance for us. This paper cites the Roman Trajan Heritage Park as an example, interprets the spatio-temporal characteristics of the historic site from its spatial structure and historical time sequence through sorting out its historical evolution. It explores how it has protected and interpreted the heritage from the aspects of heritage protection concept, planning and design strategy and implementation technology path on the basis of keeping the authenticity of the heritage. This paper also analyzes the concepts and methods of the planning and design of heritage parks in Italy, and probes into their values in the construction of heritage parks.
Key words:  landscape architecture  heritage park  concept of heritage protection  strategy of planning and design  implementation technology path  Italy
YANG Jing,CHENG Yuning*,(ITA) Edoardo Curra.Research on Planning and Design of Italian Heritage Park: A Case Study of Trajan Archaeological Park in Rome[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(10):113-118.